Michelle Pickens @ Crohnically Blonde
Name: Michelle (Schienle) Pickens
Current Location: Baltimore, MD
Birth Place: Columbia, MD
9 to 5: Account Manager for an IT Services company
Blog: Crohnically Blonde
Meet Michelle!
What makes you a boss?
I own my truth and I am not afraid to share it!
Tell us about your blog. How did you start? How has it transformed? Is it what you expected?
I started my blog in 2016 as a way to share my journey managing Crohn’s Disease while living my life as a 20 something, trying my best to ‘adult’. After receiving overwhelming responses from other ladies who were dealing with Crohn’s Disease or chronic illness, I realized that talking about the not so sexy parts of life are the things that need to be brought to light the most. My platform has evolved over the years to touch on things like eating disorder recovery and anxiety, in addition to what originally had started out as Crohn’s related. I also share a lot more about other aspects of my life, like beauty products, fashion tips, and recaps of my travels.
What's your day job?
As my day job, I work as an Account Manager for an IT Services company. I’ve been with my company for a little over four years now.
Proudest moment in your career AND personal life?
Proudest moment in my career was getting promoted into my current role. Proudest moment with my blog was the first message I got from someone, telling me that my honesty had inspired them to open up. Proudest moment in my personal life was buying my home.
Lowest point?
In my career, my lowest points have been when I have been fearful to advocate for myself. My lowest points personally have been when I was at the height of my Crohn’s diagnosis and felt completely hopeless both physically and mentally.
Most famous quote?
“I am doing the best that I can.” This is my personal mantra everyday when I feel stressed out, guilty, or less than. It is my first tool to calm any anxiety and truly helps to bring me peace.
Why should everyone have a #LadyTribe to lean on?
No matter how hard we try, we can’t do everything ourselves. We need a village of other babes who can lift us up and we can lift up. Whether it be launching a business, interviewing for a promotion, or raising a family, you need a group of women to bounce ideas off of, to vent to, and to celebrate your successes with you.
What passion project are you working on right now?
My blog is my passion project, always! In the future I’d like to add writing a book to my list of passion projects as well.
What's your next big move?
Blog wise, I would love to continue to get involved at local events, maybe challenge myself by speaking at one! Anything I can do to help empower and inspire others, that is what I want to be doing. As for my personal life, I’d like to become a mom sometime in the next couple of years.What is the hardest decision you've ever had to make?
How to appropriately handle a very close family member’s addiction issues. It was the hardest decision I’ve made, but probably the best.
Catching up over tacos and margaritas @ Vida Taco Bar, in Harbor East, MD.
Rapid Response Questions
Spirit Animal? Lion.
Why? I’m a Leo, like the most textbook Leo there is.
Favorite Color? Pink.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? The endless possibilities of the day ahead (and my pups who literally push me out of bed when they’re ready for breakfast), oh and coffee.
Do you love yourself? Yes! Self love is a journey I’ve been on and will always be on. It’s the best gift you can give yourself.
Share one piece of advice that you find most important with all the ladies out there working hard to make their dreams come true.
Stay in your own lane. Don’t compare yourself to other people because you get wrapped up in the competition and can lose your authenticity. You are the only YOU there is so don’t discredit the awesomeness of that.
#LadyGang Shout out!
@amyscripts, @eveningstarapparel, and @madisonrshort are all creators who I am lucky to have in my #GirlGang (and as amazing friends!). Two people who I admire all of their work they do to bring the creator and blogger community together, here in Maryland, are @makersofmaryland and @shoptini!